Sexuality Policy

Adopted 04.09.2022

We at Dean Ostrander Ministries and the Merritt Youth Retreat Board hold to the teachings of scripture and are guided by them. God made everyone in His image (Genesis 1:27) and because of this, we acknowledge that every child can receive the love, purpose, and comfort of a relationship with God. We also must adhere to God’s created order. Because of this, all campers will be placed in tents for sleeping based on their biological sex. If a camper is uncomfortable with this arrangement, please speak with a DOM Board Member. The love of God calls us to be welcoming to every tongue, tribe, and nation. This motivates us to provide a safe and welcoming retreat for high school students to come and learn about the life giving power of Jesus. 

To view more Biblical references regarding our views of sexuality, please visit our What We Believe page.