Mission Statement

Evangelizing. Experiencing. Encouraging. Empowering.



The board of Dean Ostrander Ministries desires that all teens who attend MYR would hear the Gospel message. Our camp speaker and staff members are prepared to evangelize to students who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior. We believe that deciding to accept Jesus is the most important decision campers can make.



MYR may only last a weekend, but we love encouraging students in their faith during the final weeks of summer. This youth retreat gives students an encouraging experience before they must return to the hallways of their schools. MYR teens gain encouragement through hearing God’s truth along with the unique relationships they build with fellow campers and staff members.


We believe that MYR is an experience, and it’s so unique that teens will remember it for years to come. Students are invited to experience God through His beautiful creation. They are also welcomed to experience a place of warm fellowship, deep friendships, passionate worship, and the truth of God’s Word.



Many teens walk away from MYR feeling empowered. They feel empowered to share the Gospel, live out their faith, and stand for truth. We desire for each student to leave camp feeling empowered by the sacrifice Jesus made for them and by the value they have in Christ.